Sunday, September 28, 2008

New: Picture Link

So I've been getting the complaint of "You don't post any pictures!" too frequently lately, so I set up my Picasa account. It's unorganized (right now) and has pretty much every picture I've taken so far in Russia (save for the incriminating ones) this past month.

Wow, it's been a month already. Sheesh.

In other news, I'm deciding whether or not to stay the year here. I'm leaning towards 'yes'. The pros outweigh the cons, and if not now, when would I ever have this chance again? Pretty much never. Four months is just not enough.

So, check out my pictures! They're on the new link that says "My Pictures" on the top menu portion in red.


Adam Aquatic said...

Staying for a year would be amazing, but don't be bummed if it doesn't work out. Staying for 4 months is a once in a life time opportunity too! You're getting a premium education so if things don't work out you'll be able to afford to go back. Not only will you be able to go back, but you'll be able to experience different parts of the country and culture as well. Don't take the time you have now for granted. Even if you stay a year none of it will be as full of intrigue as it is right now. I'd write more, but I have to pinch off this wisdom turd and get back to work. I'll just leave you a few points for your pros and cons list instead. Enjoy!

Pro: Not living under the possible McCain / Palin regime.

Con: Fewer beef stroganoff jokes. Get it? Beef strog-an-off? *masturbatory hand gesture* HA!

Brittany said...

I have such classy friends.


allison c. said...

I say stay for a year. Then we'll both be just as disassoiciated with our culture as the other when we get back.

Eh? Eh?

ps. I love your "Gettin' Russified" comment.